Who is the GBM Community for?

It’s for those of us who feel a bit like a mess. It’s for anyone who wants to stop doing something that they don’t want to be doing and just can’t seem to stay stopped. It’s for those of us who have areas of our lives where we live outside of our values system and may have trouble even admitting that we are doing just that.

For some of us, we just can’t keep the house clean. For others of us, we can’t stop eating, even though we want to live at a healthy weight. For still others it may be that we keep losing our temper, or we promised ourselves we wouldn’t gossip in the office, but when a topic came up, we couldn’t stop from giving our two cents, adding to the fire.

This struggle has a million different faces and for many of us, there is more than just one area of our life that fits this description – a tough relationship, a certain habit, ingrained family dynamics and ways of thinking and seeing world, interactions with a coworker, or simply the many examples listed above where we do not keep our word with ourselves.

The community is meant to be a place where we can start to explore, in a practical way, these problem areas of our lives. It’s where we will get to become students of our interior lives (our thoughts, our emotions, our motivations, desires, impulses, disappointments and agendas) and see how that interior space spills over into our visible lives. It’s meant to provide a space of consistency and guidance, of acceptance and honesty, of vulnerability and a safety – a place to engage in the willingness to grow, to learn and ultimately to become. To allow ourselves to perpetually become the person we were created to be. Knowing that we will never fully arrive, but convicted that we can become more than we are today.

There are two more free Tuesday calls in January (register here!), and if you want to engage in this work, if you want to walk alongside and learn as you go and grow, join the community for $10/month for access to weekly calls and a growing library of resources.

Come and see! You may be pleasantly surprised and if not, cancel any time 😉 Can’t wait to see you in there!

p.s. The quote in the image above is from this poem of mine from which the name of the blog and podcast was inspired 🙂

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