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How do you talk about an online community you want to get off the ground without sounding pushy, generic, salesy or in danger of over-promising? I have no idea, but I’m starting one and I want to tell people about it and so I’m going to tell you about my heart behind it as a way of sharing the info and inviting you in.

I am someone who struggles with emotions. Emotional balance. Emotional tolerance. When I feel off, I can panic that something is wrong and then my panic about feeling off creates an internal dust storm that is far worse than the initial gray haze that was initially present.

I found the 12 Steps and it started a process of cracking me open and showing me another way that changed the trajectory of my life. I found coaching, and that filled in the practical gaps I found wanting in my 12 Step work. I found IFS and this has felt like coming home. I am a work in progress, but the culmination of all these things and the love and support from friends, family and God in between, has begun that psychic change they talk about in the Big Book.

The coaching and support I offer is colored and informed by these three things, all supported and enriched by my Catholic faith. I invite you to join the patreon community I started as an extension of the Grateful Blessed Mess Podcast which just finished its final episode, 365 days of reflections guided by 12 step meditations.

I hope to provide a weekly opportunity for guided self-reflection to help people engage in and get to know their own interior worlds, and to offer the ability to be coached through areas of confusion or mental blocks that get in the way of this work.

For the month of January only these coaching calls will be FREE and I invite you to show up and get an idea of what this work is like and the opportunities available for you to partake in inside the community. After January, for just $10/month, you will have access to weekly, live calls and a growing library of recorded workshops and webinars, two of which are available for free on the patreon page already!

I have a burning desire to share what I have learned with people who are interested and want to hear. I have a deep ache to guide people who are hurting and help lessen their load by empowering them with the knowledge and know-how that comes from interior work, from challenging their thinking and from learning how to view their experience with clarity and compassion.

If this speaks to your heart please join me this month. If it makes you think of a friend, please share this message with them! I hope to see so many of you on the calls over the course of this month and well into 2024. The invitation is ongoing and you can join the community any month at any time.

Happy New Year, God Bless, and if you haven’t listened to the Podcast yet, check it out!

It’s sitting there waiting for you to dive in 🙂

“Today I’m more Mess than Blessed, More in Distress than Holiness…”

See you in there ❤

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